Neuroscience seminar: Sensorimotor Adaptation

Dr. Mohammad Darainy

McGill University-Canada 


 "Sensorimotor Adaptation: Effect of Motor Learning on Perception and Effect of Perceptual learning on Motor Performance"



 When: December 13th, 2015(Azar22, 1394). 11:45 A.M

 Where: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad- Faculty of Science-Amphitheater #1






Sensorimotor plasticity is fundamental to the development of human motor and sensory functions. However, studies of motor learning have focused primarily on plasticity in motor systems. Likewise, studies of perceptual learning are mostly focused on sensory systems. In the first part of talk, I demonstrate that changes in motor system following motor learning does not occur in isolation and also result in changes to sensory system. In the second part of talk I present the complimentary data that shows perceptual training alters motor behavior.