Laboratory for Brain Signal Processing


Principal Investigator: Sahar Moghimi (Ph.D.)

Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University (2006-2009)


Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Graduate Students:


  • Hadi Kalani

(Ph.D. student of Mechanical Engineering)


  • MohammadReza Edalati (joint with Prof. Wallois)

(Ph.D. student of Biomedical Engineering)


  • Mandana Sadat Ghafourian (joint with Prof. Wallois)

(Ph.D student of Biomedical Engineering)


  • Shima Sadr Abadi (joint with Dr. Ghorbani)

 (M.Sc. student of Biomedical Engineering)


  • Azadeh Shadkam

(M.Sc. student of Biomedical Engineering)


  • Bahareh Saadatmehr

(M.Sc. student of Biomedical Engineering)


  • Ali Solbi (joint with Dr. Ghorbani)

(M.Sc. student of Biomedical Engineering)


Research Interests:

Different brain regions communicate for integration of sensory information and cognitive and sensory-motor processing. Investigating the functional importance of different structures and modulation of connectivity among them during cognitive processes may help us to understand individual differences and recognize cognitive disorders.

We investigate the neural correlates of cognitive functions such as attention and emotional processing, the impact of stimulus manipulation on neural signals, and their relation to behavioral responses. Toward this endeavor, we exploit EEG signals. We also record EMG, ECG, GSR, and blood oxygen saturation during cognitive tasks.

This lab is equipped with a sleep signal recording room. Our lab members also investigate the role of sleep in memory consolidation and forgetting.



Prof. Hossein Esteky (IPM, School of Cognitive Science)

Dr. Maryam Ghorbani (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)

Prof. Fabrice Wallois (University of Picardie Jules Verne)

Dr. Mahdi Mahmoudzadeh (University of Picardie Jules Verne)

Dr. Javad Salehi Fadardi (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)



List of Publications